Error 404 Not Found


Forwarded to ErrorController (c2961f)


(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 accounting_findone /admin/findone/{entityName}/{id} Path does not match
2 accounting_find /admin/find/{entityName}/{ids} Path does not match
3 accounting_search_dt /admin/search.dt/{entity} Path does not match
4 accounting_autocomplete /admin/autocomplete/{entity} Path does not match
5 accounting_index / Path does not match
6 accounting_accountschart /accounts_chart Path does not match
7 accounting_log /log Path does not match
8 accounting_accountsstatements /accounts/statements Path does not match
9 accounting_balancesheet /balance_sheet Path does not match
10 accounting_profitandloss /profit_loss Path does not match
11 accounting_vat /vat Path does not match
12 accounting_closing /closing Path does not match
13 accounting_documents /documents Path does not match
14 accounting_accounts /accounts Path does not match
15 accounting_account /accounts/{id} Path does not match
16 accounting_createaccount /accounts/new Path does not match
17 accounting_editaccount /accounts/{id}/edit Path does not match
18 accounting_deleteaccount /accounts/{id}/delete Path does not match
19 accounting_undeleteaccount /accounts/{id}/undelete Path does not match
20 accounting_exportaccounts /accounts/export/{type} Path does not match
21 accounting_modalselectaccounts /accounts/modal Path does not match
22 accounting_refreshaccountbalance /accounts/{id}/refreshbalance Path does not match
23 accounting_vattypes /vat_types Path does not match
24 accounting_vattype /vat_types/{id} Path does not match
25 accounting_modalselectvattypes /vat_types/modal Path does not match
26 accounting_changevatrates /vat_types/change_rates Path does not match
27 accounting_modes /modes Path does not match
28 accounting_mode /modes/{id} Path does not match
29 accounting_entries /entries Path does not match
30 accounting_entry /entries/{id} Path does not match
31 accounting_createentry /entries/new Path does not match
32 accounting_editentry /entries/{id}/edit Path does not match
33 accounting_duplicateentry /entries/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
34 accounting_deleteentry /entries/{id}/delete Path does not match
35 accounting_undeleteentry /entries/{id}/undelete Path does not match
36 accounting_reverseentry /entries/{id}/reverse Path does not match
37 accounting_exportentries /entries/export/{type} Path does not match
38 accounting_modalselectentries /entries/modal Path does not match
39 accounting_exchangedifference /entries/exchangedifference Path does not match
40 accounting_predefinedentries /entries/predefined Path does not match
41 accounting_predefinedentry /entries/predefined/{id} Path does not match
42 accounting_createpredefinedentry /entries/predefined/new Path does not match
43 accounting_editpredefinedentry /entries/predefined/{id}/edit Path does not match
44 accounting_deletepredefinedentry /entries/predefined/{id}/delete Path does not match
45 accounting_undeletepredefinedentry /entries/predefined/{id}/undelete Path does not match
46 accounting_modalselectpredefinedentries /entries/predefined/modal Path does not match
47 accounting_app_accounting_getaccounts /ajax/accounts Path does not match
48 accounting_app_accounting_getvattypes /ajax/vat_types Path does not match
49 accounting_invoices /invoices Path does not match
50 accounting_invoice /invoices/{id} Path does not match
51 accounting_invoice_pdf /invoices/{id}/pdf Path does not match
52 accounting_debitors /debitors Path does not match
53 accounting_creditors /creditors Path does not match
54 accounting_creditorinvoices /creditor_invoices Path does not match
55 accounting_creditorinvoice /creditor_invoices/{id} Path does not match
56 accounting_creditorinvoice_document /creditor_invoices/{id}/document Path does not match
57 accounting_orders /orders Path does not match
58 accounting_order /orders/{id} Path does not match
59 accounting_order_pdf /orders/{id}/pdf Path does not match
60 accounting_close /close Path does not match
61 accounting_import /import Path does not match
62 accounting_generate /generate Path does not match
63 accounting_clean2021 /clean2021 Path does not match
64 accounting_fixmissingentries /fix_missing_entries Path does not match
65 accounting_test /test Path does not match
66 app_accounts_list /accounts Path does not match
67 app_accounts_view /accounts/{id} Path does not match
68 app_accounts_create /accounts/new Path does not match
69 app_accounts_edit /accounts/{id}/edit Path does not match
70 app_accounts_delete /accounts/{id}/delete Path does not match
71 app_accounts_undelete /accounts/{id}/undelete Path does not match
72 app_accounts_export /accounts/export/{type} Path does not match
73 app_accounts_modalselect /accounts/modal Path does not match
74 app_accounts_modalform /accounts/modal/new Path does not match
75 app_accounts_attachuser /accounts/{id}/attach Path does not match
76 app_accounts_detachuser /accounts/{id}/detach Path does not match
77 app_accounts_toggle /accounts/{id}/toggle/{property} Path does not match
78 dependson /admin/dependson/{entity} Path does not match
79 dependedaddresses /admin/dependedaddresses Path does not match
80 badges /admin/badges/{entity}/{other}/{id} Path does not match
81 create /admin/create/{entity} Path does not match
82 app_admin_uploadimage /admin/image/{entity}/{id}/{property} Path does not match
83 geonames /admin/geonames Path does not match
84 app_admin_users /admin/users Path does not match
85 translate /admin/translate Path does not match
86 app_admin_notifications /admin/notifications Path does not match
87 app_admin_readnotification /admin/notifications/{id} Path does not match
88 app_admin_ws /admin/ws Path does not match
89 app_admin_search /admin/search Path does not match
90 app_admin_importaccount /admin/importer/account/{id} Path does not match
91 app_admin_importuser /admin/importer/user/{id} Path does not match
92 app_admin_importer /admin/importer Path does not match
93 app_admin_indiandata /admin/indiandata Path does not match
94 app_admin_indiandataapi /admin/indiandata/api Path does not match
95 app_admin_importindiandatamodels /admin/indiandata/import/models Path does not match
96 app_admin_indiandataprices /admin/indiandata/prices Path does not match
97 app_admin_importindiandata /admin/indiandata/import Path does not match
98 app_admin_configuration /admin/configuration Path does not match
99 app_admin_wifivouchers /admin/wifi_vouchers Path does not match
100 app_admin_kdrive /admin/kdrive Path does not match
101 app_admin_kdrivelist /admin/kdrive/list Path does not match
102 app_admin_kdrivedownload /admin/kdrive/download Path does not match
103 findone /admin/findone/{entityName}/{id} Path does not match
104 find /admin/find/{entityName}/{ids} Path does not match
105 search_dt /admin/search.dt/{entity} Path does not match
106 autocomplete /admin/autocomplete/{entity} Path does not match
107 accounting_banks /banks Path does not match
108 accounting_bank /banks/{id} Path does not match
109 accounting_banks_create /banks/new Path does not match
110 accounting_banks_edit /banks/{id}/edit Path does not match
111 accounting_banks_modalselect /banks/modal Path does not match
112 accounting_banks_accounts /banks/accounts Path does not match
113 accounting_banks_account /banks/accounts/{id} Path does not match
114 accounting_banks_createaccount /banks/accounts/new Path does not match
115 accounting_banks_editaccount /banks/accounts/{id}/edit Path does not match
116 accounting_banks_transactions /banks/transactions Path does not match
117 accounting_banks_transaction /banks/transactions/{id} Path does not match
118 app_buybacks_list /buybacks Path does not match
119 app_buybacks_view /buybacks/{id} Path does not match
120 app_buybacks_create /buybacks/new Path does not match
121 app_buybacks_edit /buybacks/{id}/edit Path does not match
122 app_buybacks_delete /buybacks/{id}/delete Path does not match
123 app_buybacks_undelete /buybacks/{id}/undelete Path does not match
124 app_buybacks_export /buybacks/export/{type} Path does not match
125 app_buybacks_modalselect /buybacks/modal Path does not match
126 app_buybacks_modalform /buybacks/modal/new Path does not match
127 app_buybacks_pdf /buybacks/{id}/pdf Path does not match
128 app_buybacks_refreshaccounting /buybacks/{id}/refreshaccounting Path does not match
129 app_calendar_index /calendar/ Path does not match
130 app_calendar_getevents /calendar/ajax/events Path does not match
131 app_calendar_getentitytask /calendar/ajax/task/get/{id} Path does not match
132 app_calendar_getentitycalendarevent /calendar/ajax/calendar_event/get/{id} Path does not match
133 app_calendar_createcalendarevent /calendar/ajax/calendar_event/create Path does not match
134 app_calendar_updatecalendarevent /calendar/ajax/calendar_event/update/{id} Path does not match
135 app_calendar_createtask /calendar/ajax/task/create Path does not match
136 app_calendar_updatetask /calendar/ajax/task/update/{id} Path does not match
137 app_calendar_ical /calendar/subscribe/ical Path does not match
138 app_calendar_share /calendar/share Path does not match
139 app_creditorinvoices_list /creditor_invoices Path does not match
140 app_creditorinvoices_view /creditor_invoices/{id} Path does not match
141 app_creditorinvoices_create /creditor_invoices/new Path does not match
142 app_creditorinvoices_edit /creditor_invoices/{id}/edit Path does not match
143 app_creditorinvoices_duplicate /creditor_invoices/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
144 app_creditorinvoices_delete /creditor_invoices/{id}/delete Path does not match
145 app_creditorinvoices_undelete /creditor_invoices/{id}/undelete Path does not match
146 app_creditorinvoices_export /creditor_invoices/export/{type} Path does not match
147 app_creditorinvoices_modalselect /creditor_invoices/modal Path does not match
148 app_creditorinvoices_downloadfile /creditor_invoices/{id}/file Path does not match
149 app_creditorinvoices_validate /creditor_invoices/{id}/validate Path does not match
150 app_creditorinvoices_cancel /creditor_invoices/{id}/cancel Path does not match
151 app_creditorinvoices_refreshaccounting /creditor_invoices/{id}/refreshaccounting Path does not match
152 app_creditorinvoices_listtemplates /creditor_invoices/templates Path does not match
153 app_creditorinvoices_viewtemplate /creditor_invoices/templates/{id} Path does not match
154 app_creditorinvoices_createtemplate /creditor_invoices/templates/new Path does not match
155 app_creditorinvoices_edittemplate /creditor_invoices/templates/{id}/edit Path does not match
156 app_creditorinvoices_payments /creditor_invoices/payments Path does not match
157 app_creditorinvoices_payment /creditor_invoices/payments/{id} Path does not match
158 app_creditorinvoices_createpayment /creditor_invoices/payments/new Path does not match
159 app_creditorinvoices_editpayment /creditor_invoices/payments/{id}/edit Path does not match
160 app_creditorinvoices_deletepayment /creditor_invoices/payments/{id}/delete Path does not match
161 app_creditorinvoices_modalformpayment /creditor_invoices/{id}/payments/modal/new Path does not match
162 app_creditorinvoices_modalselectbanktransactions /creditor_invoices/bank/modal Path does not match
163 app_creditorinvoices_paymentfrombank /creditor_invoices/{id}/bank Path does not match
164 app_creditorinvoices_getaccounts /creditor_invoices/accounts Path does not match
165 app_creditorinvoices_getvattypes /creditor_invoices/vat_types Path does not match
166 app_creditorinvoices_items /creditor_invoices/items/{type} Path does not match
167 app_creditorinvoices_import /creditor_invoices/import Path does not match
168 app_creditorinvoices_superadmin /creditor_invoices/superadmin/{id}/{action} Path does not match
169 app_cronjobs_list /cron_jobs Path does not match
170 app_cronjobs_view /cron_jobs/{id} Path does not match
171 app_cronjobs_create /cron_jobs/new Path does not match
172 app_cronjobs_edit /cron_jobs/{id}/edit Path does not match
173 app_cronjobs_delete /cron_jobs/{id}/delete Path does not match
174 app_cronjobs_undelete /cron_jobs/{id}/undelete Path does not match
175 app_cronjobs_export /cron_jobs/export/{type} Path does not match
176 app_cronjobs_toggle /cron_jobs/{id}/toggle Path does not match
177 app_cronjobs_run /cron_jobs/{id}/run Path does not match
178 app_cronjobs_runall /cron_jobs/run Path does not match
179 app_deliverynotes_list /delivery_notes Path does not match
180 app_deliverynotes_view /delivery_notes/{id} Path does not match
181 app_deliverynotes_create /delivery_notes/new Path does not match
182 app_deliverynotes_edit /delivery_notes/{id}/edit Path does not match
183 app_deliverynotes_duplicate /delivery_notes/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
184 app_deliverynotes_delete /delivery_notes/{id}/delete Path does not match
185 app_deliverynotes_undelete /delivery_notes/{id}/undelete Path does not match
186 app_deliverynotes_export /delivery_notes/export/{type} Path does not match
187 app_deliverynotes_pdf /delivery_notes/{id}/pdf Path does not match
188 app_deliverynotes_print /delivery_notes/{id}/print/{printer} Path does not match
189 app_deliverynotes_email /delivery_notes/{id}/email Path does not match
190 app_deposits_list /deposits Path does not match
191 app_deposits_view /deposits/{id} Path does not match
192 app_deposits_create /deposits/new Path does not match
193 app_deposits_edit /deposits/{id}/edit Path does not match
194 app_deposits_duplicate /deposits/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
195 app_deposits_delete /deposits/{id}/delete Path does not match
196 app_deposits_undelete /deposits/{id}/undelete Path does not match
197 app_deposits_export /deposits/export/{type} Path does not match
198 app_deposits_modalselect /deposits/modal Path does not match
199 app_emails_list /emails Path does not match
200 app_emails_view /emails/{id} Path does not match
201 app_emails_create /emails/new Path does not match
202 app_emails_attachments /emails/attachments/{publicToken} Path does not match
203 app_emails_tracking /emails/tr/{action}/{token} Path does not match
204 app_emails_attachmentpreview /emails/attachments/{id}/preview Path does not match
205 app_emails_attachmentdownload /emails/attachments/{id}/download Path does not match
206 app_emails_attachmentcachepreview /emails/attachments/cache/{path}/preview Path does not match
207 app_emails_attachmentcachedownload /emails/attachments/cache/{path} Path does not match
208 app_emails_brevo /emails/brevo Path does not match
209 app_emails_brevoevents /emails/brevo/events Path does not match
210 app_emails_brevounblockallcontact /emails/brevo/unblock/email/all Path does not match
211 app_emails_brevounblockcontact /emails/brevo/unblock/email/{email} Path does not match
212 app_emails_brevounblockdomain /emails/brevo/unblock/domain/{domain} Path does not match
213 app_emails_brevodetails /emails/brevo/{messageId} Path does not match
214 app_general_index / Path does not match
215 app_general_dashboard /dashboard Path does not match
216 app_general_dashboardsettings /dashboard/settings Path does not match
217 app_general_qr /qr/{type}/{id} Path does not match
218 app_general_terms /terms Path does not match
219 app_general_privacy /privacy Path does not match
220 app_general_imagemotorcyclemodel /images/motorcycle_model/{id}/color/{colorId} Path does not match
221 app_insurances_companies /insurances/companies Path does not match
222 app_insurances_company /insurances/companies/{id} Path does not match
223 app_insurances_createcompany /insurances/companies/new Path does not match
224 app_insurances_editcompany /insurances/companies/{id}/edit Path does not match
225 app_insurances_deletecompany /insurances/companies/{id}/delete Path does not match
226 app_insurances_undeletecompany /insurances/companies/{id}/undelete Path does not match
227 app_insurances_modalformcompany /insurances/companies/modal/new Path does not match
228 app_insurances_list /insurances Path does not match
229 app_insurances_view /insurances/{id} Path does not match
230 app_insurances_create /insurances/new Path does not match
231 app_insurances_edit /insurances/{id}/edit Path does not match
232 app_insurances_delete /insurances/{id}/delete Path does not match
233 app_insurances_undelete /insurances/{id}/undelete Path does not match
234 app_invoices_list /invoices Path does not match
235 app_invoices_view /invoices/{id} Path does not match
236 app_invoices_create /invoices/new Path does not match
237 app_invoices_edit /invoices/{id}/edit Path does not match
238 app_invoices_duplicate /invoices/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
239 app_invoices_delete /invoices/{id}/delete Path does not match
240 app_invoices_undelete /invoices/{id}/undelete Path does not match
241 app_invoices_export /invoices/export/{type} Path does not match
242 app_invoices_modalselect /invoices/modal Path does not match
243 app_invoices_creatediscountfromvoucher /invoices/{id}/discounts/fromvoucher Path does not match
244 app_invoices_pdf /invoices/{id}/pdf Path does not match
245 app_invoices_print /invoices/{id}/print/{printer} Path does not match
246 app_invoices_exportitems /invoices/{id}/export/{type} Path does not match
247 app_invoices_modaldeliver /invoices/{id}/modal_deliver Path does not match
248 app_invoices_deliver /invoices/{id}/deliver Path does not match
249 app_invoices_email /invoices/{id}/email Path does not match
250 app_invoices_getquantityunits /invoices/quantity_units Path does not match
251 app_invoices_getaccounts /invoices/accounts Path does not match
252 app_invoices_getvattypes /invoices/vat_types Path does not match
253 app_invoices_getaccountingmodes /invoices/accounting_modes Path does not match
254 app_invoices_items /invoices/items/{type} Path does not match
255 app_invoices_importitems /invoices/importitems Path does not match
256 app_invoices_refreshaccounting /invoices/{id}/refreshaccounting Path does not match
257 app_invoices_listtemplates /invoices/templates Path does not match
258 app_invoices_viewtemplate /invoices/templates/{id} Path does not match
259 app_invoices_createtemplate /invoices/templates/new Path does not match
260 app_invoices_edittemplate /invoices/templates/{id}/edit Path does not match
261 app_invoices_duplicatetemplate /invoices/templates/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
262 app_invoices_deletetemplate /invoices/templates/{id}/delete Path does not match
263 app_invoices_undeletetemplate /invoices/templates/{id}/undelete Path does not match
264 app_invoices_pdftemplate /invoices/templates/{id}/pdf Path does not match
265 app_invoices_fixvat /invoices/templates/fix_vat Path does not match
266 app_invoices_overdues /invoices/overdues Path does not match
267 app_invoices_remind /invoices/{id}/remind Path does not match
268 app_invoices_adddeposit /invoices/{id}/adddeposit Path does not match
269 app_invoices_removedeposit /invoices/{id}/removedeposit Path does not match
270 app_invoices_addbuyback /invoices/{id}/addbuyback Path does not match
271 app_invoices_usedbuybacks /invoicesusedbuybacks Path does not match
272 app_invoices_discounts /invoices/discounts Path does not match
273 app_invoices_discount /invoices/discounts/{id} Path does not match
274 app_invoices_editdiscount /invoices/discounts/{id}/edit Path does not match
275 app_invoices_deletediscount /invoices/discounts/{id}/delete Path does not match
276 app_invoices_modalcreatediscount /invoices/{id}/discounts/modal/new Path does not match
277 app_invoices_modaleditdiscount /invoices/discounts/modal/edit/{id} Path does not match
278 app_invoices_payments /invoices/payments Path does not match
279 app_invoices_payment /invoices/payments/{id} Path does not match
280 app_invoices_createpayment /invoices/payments/new Path does not match
281 app_invoices_editpayment /invoices/payments/{id}/edit Path does not match
282 app_invoices_deletepayment /invoices/payments/{id}/delete Path does not match
283 app_invoices_modalformpayment /invoices/{id}/payments/modal/new Path does not match
284 app_invoices_modalformrefund /invoices/{id}/payments/modal/refund Path does not match
285 app_invoices_modalselectbanktransactions /invoices/bank/modal Path does not match
286 app_invoices_paymentfrombank /invoices/{id}/bank Path does not match
287 app_invoices_modalselectsumuppayments /invoices/3sumup/modal Path does not match
288 app_invoices_paymentfromsumup /invoices/{id}/sumup Path does not match
289 app_invoices_roundingdiscount /invoices/{id}/roundingdiscount Path does not match
290 app_invoices_superadmin /invoices/superadmin/{id}/{action} Path does not match
291 app_leads_list /leads Path does not match
292 app_leads_view /leads/{id} Path does not match
293 app_leads_create /leads/new Path does not match
294 app_leads_edit /leads/{id}/edit Path does not match
295 app_leads_delete /leads/{id}/delete Path does not match
296 app_leads_undelete /leads/{id}/undelete Path does not match
297 app_leads_export /leads/export/{type} Path does not match
298 app_leads_convert /leads/{id}/convert Path does not match
299 app_leads_import /leads/import Path does not match
300 app_leasings_list /leasings Path does not match
301 app_leasings_view /leasings/{id} Path does not match
302 app_leasings_create /leasings/new Path does not match
303 app_leasings_edit /leasings/{id}/edit Path does not match
304 app_leasings_delete /leasings/{id}/delete Path does not match
305 app_leasings_undelete /leasings/{id}/undelete Path does not match
306 app_leasings_export /leasings/export/{type} Path does not match
307 app_leasings_generaterequest /leasings/{id}/request Path does not match
308 app_manufacturers_list /manufacturers Path does not match
309 app_manufacturers_view /manufacturers/{id} Path does not match
310 app_manufacturers_create /manufacturers/new Path does not match
311 app_manufacturers_edit /manufacturers/{id}/edit Path does not match
312 app_manufacturers_delete /manufacturers/{id}/delete Path does not match
313 app_manufacturers_undelete /manufacturers/{id}/undelete Path does not match
314 app_motorcycles_modelfamilies /motorcycles/model_families Path does not match
315 app_motorcycles_modelfamily /motorcycles/model_families/{id} Path does not match
316 app_motorcycles_createmodelfamily /motorcycles/model_families/new Path does not match
317 app_motorcycles_editmodelfamily /motorcycles/model_families/{id}/edit Path does not match
318 app_motorcycles_deletemodelfamily /motorcycles/model_families/{id}/delete Path does not match
319 app_motorcycles_undeletemodelfamily /motorcycles/model_families/{id}/undelete Path does not match
320 app_motorcycles_models /motorcycles/models Path does not match
321 app_motorcycles_model /motorcycles/models/{id} Path does not match
322 app_motorcycles_createmodel /motorcycles/models/new Path does not match
323 app_motorcycles_editmodel /motorcycles/models/{id}/edit Path does not match
324 app_motorcycles_duplicatemodel /motorcycles/models/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
325 app_motorcycles_exportmodels /motorcycles/models/export/{type} Path does not match
326 app_motorcycles_modalselectmodels /motorcycles/models/modal Path does not match
327 app_motorcycles_modalchooser /motorcycles/models/modal/{id} Path does not match
328 app_motorcycles_uploadmodelimage /motorcycles/models/{id}/image Path does not match
329 app_motorcycles_deletemodelimage /motorcycles/models/image/{id}/delete Path does not match
330 app_motorcycles_modelhasproducts /motorcycles/models/{id}/hasproducts Path does not match
331 app_motorcycles_modelattachproduct /motorcycles/models/{id}/attach Path does not match
332 app_motorcycles_modeldetachproduct /motorcycles/models/{id}/detach Path does not match
333 app_motorcycles_modelspricelist /motorcycles/models/pricelist Path does not match
334 app_motorcycles_modelsfascicle /motorcycles/models/fascicle Path does not match
335 app_motorcycles_modelsguide /motorcycles/models/guide Path does not match
336 app_motorcycles_modelinspection /motorcycles/models/{id}/inspection Path does not match
337 app_motorcycles_modelpaper /motorcycles/models/{id}/paper Path does not match
338 app_motorcycles_modelaccessories /motorcycles/models/{id}/accessories Path does not match
339 app_motorcycles_list /motorcycles/ Path does not match
340 app_motorcycles_view /motorcycles/{id} Path does not match
341 app_motorcycles_history /motorcycles/{id}/history Path does not match
342 app_motorcycles_create /motorcycles/new/{idModel}/{colorIndex} Path does not match
343 app_motorcycles_createcustom /motorcycles/new/custom Path does not match
344 app_motorcycles_edit /motorcycles/{id}/edit Path does not match
345 app_motorcycles_duplicate /motorcycles/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
346 app_motorcycles_delete /motorcycles/{id}/delete Path does not match
347 app_motorcycles_undelete /motorcycles/{id}/undelete Path does not match
348 app_motorcycles_export /motorcycles/export/{type} Path does not match
349 app_motorcycles_applicationregistration /motorcycles/{id}/application_registration Path does not match
350 app_motorcycles_hasproducts /motorcycles/{id}/hasproducts Path does not match
351 app_motorcycles_attachproduct /motorcycles/{id}/attach Path does not match
352 app_motorcycles_detachproduct /motorcycles/{id}/detach Path does not match
353 app_motorcycles_modalselect /motorcycles/modal Path does not match
354 app_motorcycles_modalquickselect /motorcycles/modal_quickselect Path does not match
355 app_motorcycles_paper /motorcycles/{id}/paper Path does not match
356 app_motorcycles_vinlist /motorcycles/vins Path does not match
357 app_motorcycles_freeservicevoucher /motorcycles/{id}/free_service_voucher Path does not match
358 app_motorcycles_swissgreycardscanner /motorcycles/swiss_grey_card_scanner Path does not match
359 app_notes_list /notes Path does not match
360 app_notes_view /notes/{id} Path does not match
361 app_notes_edit /notes/{id}/edit Path does not match
362 app_notes_delete /notes/{id}/delete Path does not match
363 app_notes_undelete /notes/{id}/undelete Path does not match
364 app_notes_modalselect /notes/modal Path does not match
365 app_notes_modalform /notes/{relatedTo}/new Path does not match
366 app_notes_preview /notes/{id}/preview Path does not match
367 app_notes_downloadfile /notes/{id}/file Path does not match
368 app_notes_rotate /notes/{id}/rotate/{angle} Path does not match
369 app_notes_crop /notes/{id}/crop Path does not match
370 app_notes_convert2image /notes/{id}/convert2image Path does not match
371 app_notes_shrink /notes/{id}/shrink Path does not match
372 app_notes_clean /notes/clean Path does not match
373 app_oauth_swissid /oauth/swissid Path does not match
374 app_oauth_swissidcallback /oauth/swissid/callback Path does not match
375 app_oauth_facebook /oauth/facebook Path does not match
376 app_oauth_facebookcallback /oauth/facebook/callback Path does not match
377 app_oauth_google /oauth/google Path does not match
378 app_oauth_googlecallback /oauth/google/callback Path does not match
379 app_oauth_linkedin /oauth/linkedin Path does not match
380 app_oauth_linkedincallback /oauth/linkedin/callback Path does not match
381 app_oauth_sumupcallback /oauth/sumup/callback Path does not match
382 app_orders_list /orders Path does not match
383 app_orders_view /orders/{id} Path does not match
384 app_orders_refresh /orders/{id}/refresh Path does not match
385 app_orders_modalship /orders/{id}/modal_ship Path does not match
386 app_orders_ship /orders/{id}/ship Path does not match
387 app_orders_deliverylabel /orders/{id}/delivery_label Path does not match
388 app_orders_printdeliverylabel /orders/{id}/delivery_label/print/{printer} Path does not match
389 app_orders_deliverynote /orders/{id}/delivery_note Path does not match
390 app_orders_printdeliverynote /orders/{id}/print/{printer} Path does not match
391 app_orders_updateorderproduct /orders/{idOrder}/update/{idOrderProduct} Path does not match
392 app_orders_refreshaccounting /orders/{id}/refreshaccounting Path does not match
393 app_overwinterings_list /over_winterings Path does not match
394 app_overwinterings_view /over_winterings/{id} Path does not match
395 app_overwinterings_create /over_winterings/new Path does not match
396 app_overwinterings_edit /over_winterings/{id}/edit Path does not match
397 app_overwinterings_delete /over_winterings/{id}/delete Path does not match
398 app_overwinterings_undelete /over_winterings/{id}/undelete Path does not match
399 app_overwinterings_modalselect /over_winterings/modal Path does not match
400 app_overwinterings_start /over_winterings/{id}/start Path does not match
401 app_overwinterings_stop /over_winterings/{id}/stop Path does not match
402 app_overwinterings_pdf /over_winterings/{id}/pdf Path does not match
403 app_overwinterings_print /over_winterings/{id}/print/{printer} Path does not match
404 app_overwinterings_email /over_winterings/{id}/email Path does not match
405 app_pointofsale_index /pos Path does not match
406 app_pointofsale_modalusers /pos/users Path does not match
407 app_pointofsale_modalvouchers /pos/vouchers Path does not match
408 app_pointofsale_searchproducts /pos/search Path does not match
409 app_pointofsale_latestsumuppayments /pos/sumup Path does not match
410 app_pointofsale_ticket /pos/ticket Path does not match
411 portal_index / Path does not match
412 portal_oldindex /portal Path does not match
413 portal_app_portal_summary /summary Path does not match
414 portal_bookoverwintering /book_overwintering Path does not match
415 portal_motorcycles /motorcycles/ Path does not match
416 portal_servicerecords /servicerecords Path does not match
417 portal_overwinterings /overwinterings Path does not match
418 portal_quotes /quotes Path does not match
419 portal_quote /quotes/{number} Path does not match
420 portal_quotepdf /quotes/{number}/pdf Path does not match
421 portal_quoteaccept /quotes/{number}/accept Path does not match
422 portal_invoices /invoices Path does not match
423 portal_invoice /invoices/{number} Path does not match
424 portal_invoicepdf /invoices/{number}/pdf Path does not match
425 portal_orders /orders Path does not match
426 portal_order /orders/{reference} Path does not match
427 portal_vouchers /vouchers Path does not match
428 portal_voucher /vouchers/{code} Path does not match
429 portal_voucherpdf /vouchers/{code}/pdf Path does not match
430 portal_testrides /testrides Path does not match
431 portal_testride /testrides/{id} Path does not match
432 portal_rentals /rentals Path does not match
433 app_products_list /products/ Path does not match
434 app_products_view /products/{id}/ Path does not match
435 app_products_create /products/new Path does not match
436 app_products_edit /products/{id}/edit Path does not match
437 app_products_duplicate /products/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
438 app_products_delete /products/{id}/delete Path does not match
439 app_products_undelete /products/{id}/undelete Path does not match
440 app_products_modalselect /products/modal Path does not match
441 app_products_refresh /products/{id}/refresh Path does not match
442 app_products_export /products/{id}/export Path does not match
443 app_products_deletefromeshop /products/{id}/deletefromeshop Path does not match
444 app_products_getimages /products/{id}/images Path does not match
445 app_products_uploadimage /products/{id}/images Path does not match
446 app_products_setcoverimage /products/{id}/coverimage/{coverId} Path does not match
447 app_products_deleteimage /products/images/{id}/delete Path does not match
448 app_products_import /products/import Path does not match
449 app_products_importapparelxls /products/importapparelxls Path does not match
450 app_products_stockavailables /products/stock_availables Path does not match
451 app_products_stock /products/stock Path does not match
452 app_products_searchonline /products/searchonline Path does not match
453 app_products_label /products/{id}/label Path does not match
454 app_products_modallabels /products/{id}/modal_labels Path does not match
455 app_products_deletevariation /products/variations/{id}/delete Path does not match
456 app_products_undeletevariation /products/variations/{id}/undelete Path does not match
457 app_products_modalselectvariations /products/variations/modal Path does not match
458 app_products_productvariations /products/{id}/variations Path does not match
459 app_products_modalcreatevariation /products/{id}/variations/modal/new Path does not match
460 app_products_modaleditvariation /products/variations/modal/{id} Path does not match
461 app_products_searchproductvariations /products/variations Path does not match
462 app_products_variationlabel /products/variations/{id}/label Path does not match
463 app_products_modalcreatesupplier /products/{id}/suppliers/modal/new Path does not match
464 app_products_modaleditsupplier /products/suppliers/modal/{id} Path does not match
465 app_products_deletesupplier /products/{id}/deletesupplier Path does not match
466 app_products_getattributegroups /products/attribute_groups Path does not match
467 app_products_gettaxes /products/taxes Path does not match
468 app_products_modalselectaccounts /products/accounts/modal Path does not match
469 app_products_scanner /products/scanner Path does not match
470 app_products_test /products/test Path does not match
471 app_purchases_lists /purchases/lists Path does not match
472 app_purchases_list /purchases/lists/{id} Path does not match
473 app_purchases_createlist /purchases/lists/new Path does not match
474 app_purchases_editlist /purchases/lists/{id}/edit Path does not match
475 app_purchases_deletelist /purchases/lists/{id}/delete Path does not match
476 app_purchases_undeletelist /purchases/lists/{id}/undelete Path does not match
477 app_purchases_listhasproducts /purchases/lists/{id}/hasproducts Path does not match
478 app_purchases_listattachproduct /purchases/lists/{id}/attach Path does not match
479 app_purchases_listdetachproduct /purchases/lists/{id}/detach Path does not match
480 app_purchases_deletelistproduct /purchases/lists/{listId}/products/{listProductId}/delete Path does not match
481 app_purchases_undeletelistproduct /purchases/lists/{listId}/products/{listProductId}/undelete Path does not match
482 app_quotes_list /quotes Path does not match
483 app_quotes_view /quotes/{id} Path does not match
484 app_quotes_create /quotes/new Path does not match
485 app_quotes_edit /quotes/{id}/edit Path does not match
486 app_quotes_duplicate /quotes/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
487 app_quotes_delete /quotes/{id}/delete Path does not match
488 app_quotes_undelete /quotes/{id}/undelete Path does not match
489 app_quotes_export /quotes/export/{type} Path does not match
490 app_quotes_modalselect /quotes/modal Path does not match
491 app_quotes_accept /quotes/{id}/accept Path does not match
492 app_quotes_lose /quotes/{id}/lose Path does not match
493 app_quotes_pdf /quotes/{id}/pdf Path does not match
494 app_quotes_print /quotes/{id}/print/{printer} Path does not match
495 app_quotes_exportitems /quotes/{id}/export/{type} Path does not match
496 app_quotes_modaldeliver /quotes/{id}/modal_deliver Path does not match
497 app_quotes_deliver /quotes/{id}/deliver Path does not match
498 app_quotes_email /quotes/{id}/email Path does not match
499 app_quotes_discounts /quotes/discounts Path does not match
500 app_quotes_discount /quotes/discounts/{id} Path does not match
501 app_quotes_editdiscount /quotes/discounts/{id}/edit Path does not match
502 app_quotes_deletediscount /quotes/discounts/{id}/delete Path does not match
503 app_quotes_modalcreatediscount /quotes/{id}/discounts/modal/new Path does not match
504 app_quotes_modaleditdiscount /quotes/discounts/modal/edit/{id} Path does not match
505 app_quotes_superadmin /quotes/superadmin/{id}/{action} Path does not match
506 app_recallcampaigns_list /recall_campaigns Path does not match
507 app_recallcampaigns_view /recall_campaigns/{id} Path does not match
508 app_recallcampaigns_create /recall_campaigns/new Path does not match
509 app_recallcampaigns_edit /recall_campaigns/{id}/edit Path does not match
510 app_recallcampaigns_delete /recall_campaigns/{id}/delete Path does not match
511 app_recallcampaigns_undelete /recall_campaigns/{id}/undelete Path does not match
512 app_recallcampaigns_attachmotorcycle /recall_campaigns/{id}/attach Path does not match
513 app_recallcampaigns_detachmotorcycle /recall_campaigns/{id}/detach Path does not match
514 app_recallcampaigns_quickselectmotorcycles /recall_campaigns/{id}/quickselectmotorcycles Path does not match
515 app_recallcampaigns_togglemotorcycle /recall_campaigns/motorcycles/{id}/toggle Path does not match
516 app_recallcampaigns_deletemotorcycle /recall_campaigns/motorcycles/{id}/delete Path does not match
517 app_rentals_list /rentals Path does not match
518 app_rentals_view /rentals/{id} Path does not match
519 app_rentals_create /rentals/new Path does not match
520 app_rentals_edit /rentals/{id}/edit Path does not match
521 app_rentals_delete /rentals/{id}/delete Path does not match
522 app_rentals_undelete /rentals/{id}/undelete Path does not match
523 app_rentals_modalselect /rentals/modal Path does not match
524 app_rentals_pdf /rentals/{id}/pdf Path does not match
525 app_sales_list /sales Path does not match
526 app_sales_view /sales/{id} Path does not match
527 app_sales_create /sales/new Path does not match
528 app_sales_edit /sales/{id}/edit Path does not match
529 app_sales_delete /sales/{id}/delete Path does not match
530 app_sales_undelete /sales/{id}/undelete Path does not match
531 app_sales_export /sales/export/{type} Path does not match
532 app_sales_modalselect /sales/modal Path does not match
533 app_scheduler_runall /scheduler/runall Path does not match
534 app_login /login Path does not match
535 app_security_register /register Path does not match
536 app_security_verify /verify/{token} Path does not match
537 app_security_recoverpassword /password/recover Path does not match
538 app_security_resetpassword /password/reset/{token} Path does not match
539 app_servicerecords_list /service_records Path does not match
540 app_servicerecords_view /service_records/{id} Path does not match
541 app_servicerecords_create /service_records/new Path does not match
542 app_servicerecords_edit /service_records/{id}/edit Path does not match
543 app_servicerecords_duplicate /service_records/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
544 app_servicerecords_delete /service_records/{id}/delete Path does not match
545 app_servicerecords_undelete /service_records/{id}/undelete Path does not match
546 app_servicerecords_pdf /service_records/{id}/pdf Path does not match
547 app_servicerecords_email /service_records/{id}/email Path does not match
548 app_servicerecords_infowidget /service_records/infowidget/{id} Path does not match
549 app_servicerecords_process /service_records/{id}/process Path does not match
550 app_servicerecords_done /service_records/{id}/done Path does not match
551 app_servicerecords_updateitem /service_records/items/{id} Path does not match
552 app_servicerecords_job /service_records/jobs/{id} Path does not match
553 app_servicerecords_modalformjob /service_records/{id}/jobs/new Path does not match
554 app_servicerecords_jobtemplates /service_records/job_templates Path does not match
555 app_servicerecords_jobtemplate /service_records/job_templates/{id} Path does not match
556 app_servicerecords_createjobtemplate /service_records/job_templates/new Path does not match
557 app_servicerecords_editjobtemplate /service_records/job_templates/{id}/edit Path does not match
558 app_servicerecords_duplicatejobtemplate /service_records/job_templates/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
559 app_servicerecords_deletejobtemplate /service_records/job_templates/{id}/delete Path does not match
560 app_servicerecords_undeletejobtemplate /service_records/job_templates/{id}/undelete Path does not match
561 app_servicerecords_attachtaskstojobtemplate /service_records/job_templates/{id}/attach Path does not match
562 app_servicerecords_detachtasksfromjobtemplate /service_records/job_templates/{id}/detach Path does not match
563 app_servicerecords_modalselectjobtemplates /service_records/job_templates/modal Path does not match
564 app_servicerecords_taskgroups /service_records/taskgroups Path does not match
565 app_servicerecords_taskgroup /service_records/taskgroups/{id} Path does not match
566 app_servicerecords_modalformtaskgroup /service_records/taskgroups/modal/new Path does not match
567 app_servicerecords_tasks /service_records/tasks Path does not match
568 app_servicerecords_task /service_records/tasks/{id} Path does not match
569 app_servicerecords_createtask /service_records/tasks/new Path does not match
570 app_servicerecords_edittask /service_records/tasks/{id}/edit Path does not match
571 app_servicerecords_duplicatetask /service_records/tasks/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
572 app_servicerecords_deletetask /service_records/tasks/{id}/delete Path does not match
573 app_servicerecords_undeletetask /service_records/tasks/{id}/undelete Path does not match
574 app_servicerecords_attachproducttotask /service_records/tasks/{id}/attachproduct Path does not match
575 app_servicerecords_detachproductfromtask /service_records/tasks/{id}/detachproduct Path does not match
576 app_servicerecords_attachtooltotask /service_records/tasks/{id}/attachtool Path does not match
577 app_servicerecords_detachtoolfromtask /service_records/tasks/{id}/detachtool Path does not match
578 app_servicerecords_modalselecttasks /service_records/tasks/modal Path does not match
579 app_servicerecords_modalformtask /service_records/tasks/modal/new Path does not match
580 app_servicerecords_import /service_records/tasks/import Path does not match
581 app_servicerecords_calendar /service_records/calendar Path does not match
582 app_services_printlabels /services/print_labels/16c76ff3385173c509333aa149b0b9f829b1ba29 Path does not match
583 app_services_phonebook /services/phonebook/1dbd48b64e2bd9d46972c3af6d2e1bd55cb454fd/phonebook.xml Path does not match
584 app_signatures_view /signatures/{id} Path does not match
585 app_signatures_create /signatures/new Path does not match
586 app_signatures_delete /signatures/{id}/delete Path does not match
587 app_supplierorders_list /supplier_orders/ Path does not match
588 app_suppliers_list /suppliers Path does not match
589 app_suppliers_view /suppliers/{id} Path does not match
590 app_suppliers_create /suppliers/new Path does not match
591 app_suppliers_edit /suppliers/{id}/edit Path does not match
592 app_suppliers_delete /suppliers/{id}/delete Path does not match
593 app_suppliers_undelete /suppliers/{id}/undelete Path does not match
594 app_suppliers_export /suppliers/export/{type} Path does not match
595 app_suppliers_modalselect /suppliers/modal Path does not match
596 app_suppliers_items /suppliers/items Path does not match
597 app_suppliers_item /suppliers/items/{id} Path does not match
598 app_suppliers_modalselecttasks /suppliers/items/modal Path does not match
599 app_suppliers_importitem /suppliers/items/{id}/import Path does not match
600 app_suppliers_import /suppliers/import Path does not match
601 app_suppliers_importajax /suppliers/import/ajax Path does not match
602 app_system_tasks /system/tasks Path does not match
603 app_system_createissue /system/issues/new Path does not match
604 app_system_tasksedit /system/tasks/edit Path does not match
605 app_system_import /system/import Path does not match
606 app_system_importimages /system/import/images Path does not match
607 app_system_syncstock /system/sync/stock/{page} Path does not match
608 app_system_syncproducts /system/sync/products/{page} Path does not match
609 app_system_syncorders /system/sync/orders/{id} Path does not match
610 app_system_importproduct /system/import/products/{eShopId} Path does not match
611 app_system_importproductimages /system/import/images/{id} Path does not match
612 app_system_export /system/export Path does not match
613 app_system_screensaver /system/screensaver Path does not match
614 app_system_screensaverimage /system/screensaver/images Path does not match
615 app_system_connectas /system/connectas Path does not match
616 app_system_databaseactivities /system/database_activities Path does not match
617 app_system_databaseactivity /system/database_activities/{id} Path does not match
618 app_system_databaseordercolumns /system/database_order_columns Path does not match
619 app_system_calls /system/calls Path does not match
620 app_system_sms /system/sms Path does not match
621 app_system_logs /system/logs Path does not match
622 app_system_clearlogs /system/logs/clear Path does not match
623 app_system_clearcache /system/cache/clear Path does not match
624 app_system_test /system/test Path does not match
625 app_tags_list /tags Path does not match
626 app_tags_view /tags/{id} Path does not match
627 app_tags_create /tags/new Path does not match
628 app_tags_edit /tags/{id}/edit Path does not match
629 app_tags_delete /tags/{id}/delete Path does not match
630 app_tags_undelete /tags/{id}/undelete Path does not match
631 app_tags_modalform /tags/modal/new Path does not match
632 app_tags_typeahead /tags/typeahead Path does not match
633 app_testride_day /test-ride/day/{id} Path does not match
634 app_testride_register /test-ride/{id}/register/{motorcycleId}/{timestamp} Path does not match
635 app_testride_dayperiods /test-ride/day/{id}/periods/{motorcycleId} Path does not match
636 app_testride_registeradmin /test-ride/register/{id}/{motorcycleId}/{timestamp} Path does not match
637 app_testride_cancel /test-ride/{id}/cancel Path does not match
638 app_testride_validate /test-ride/{id}/validate Path does not match
639 app_testride_start /test-ride/{id}/start Path does not match
640 app_testride_finish /test-ride/{id}/finish Path does not match
641 app_testride_remove /test-ride/{id}/remove Path does not match
642 app_testride_restore /test-ride/{id}/restore Path does not match
643 app_testride_form /test-ride/{id}/form Path does not match
644 app_testride_printform /test-ride/{id}/form/print Path does not match
645 app_testrides_days /test_rides/days Path does not match
646 app_testrides_day /test_rides/days/{id} Path does not match
647 app_testrides_createday /test_rides/days/new Path does not match
648 app_testrides_editday /test_rides/days/{id}/edit Path does not match
649 app_testrides_deleteday /test_rides/days/{id}/delete Path does not match
650 app_testrides_undeleteday /test_rides/days/{id}/undelete Path does not match
651 app_testrides_attachmotorcycletoday /test_rides/{id}/attach Path does not match
652 app_testrides_detachmotorcyclesfromday /test_rides/{id}/detach Path does not match
653 app_testrides_list /test_rides/ Path does not match
654 app_testrides_view /test_rides/{id} Path does not match
655 app_testrides_create /test_rides/new Path does not match
656 app_testrides_edit /test_rides/{id}/edit Path does not match
657 app_testrides_validate /test_rides/{id}/validate Path does not match
658 app_testrides_start /test_rides/{id}/start Path does not match
659 app_testrides_photos /test_rides/{id}/photos Path does not match
660 app_testrides_finish /test_rides/{id}/finish Path does not match
661 app_testrides_pdf /test_rides/{id}/pdf Path does not match
662 app_testrides_image /test_rides/{id}/image/{index} Path does not match
663 app_testrides_create2 /test_rides/create Path does not match
664 app_testrides_create3 /test_rides/create3 Path does not match
665 app_testrides_create3upload /test_rides/create3/upload Path does not match
666 app_testrides_requests /test_rides/requests Path does not match
667 app_testrides_request /test_rides/requests/{id} Path does not match
668 app_testrides_editrequest /test_rides/requests/{id}/edit Path does not match
669 app_testrides_deleterequest /test_rides/requests/{id}/delete Path does not match
670 app_testrides_denyrequest /test_rides/requests/{id}/deny Path does not match
671 app_todolist_index /todolist Path does not match
672 app_todolist_projects /todolist/projects Path does not match
673 app_todolist_createproject /todolist/projects Path does not match
674 app_todolist_updateproject /todolist/projects/{id} Path does not match
675 app_todolist_deleteproject /todolist/projects/{id} Path does not match
676 app_todolist_createsection /todolist/sections Path does not match
677 app_todolist_updatesection /todolist/sections/{id} Path does not match
678 app_todolist_createtask /todolist/tasks Path does not match
679 app_todolist_updatetask /todolist/tasks/{id} Path does not match
680 app_todolist_checktask /todolist/tasks/{id}/check Path does not match
681 app_todolist_unchecktask /todolist/tasks/{id}/uncheck Path does not match
682 app_todolist_deletetask /todolist/tasks/{id} Path does not match
683 app_todolist_projecttasks /todolist/projects/{id}/tasks Path does not match
684 app_todolist_sortprojecttasks /todolist/projects/{id}/tasks Path does not match
685 app_todolist_tagtasks /todolist/tags/{id}/tasks Path does not match
686 app_translations_index /translations Path does not match
687 app_translations_domains /translations/domains Path does not match
688 app_translations_texts /translations/texts Path does not match
689 app_translations_suggest /translations/suggest Path does not match
690 app_translations_update /translations/update Path does not match
691 app_user_index / Path does not match
692 app_user_profile /profile Path does not match
693 app_user_uploadavatar /avatar/upload Path does not match
694 app_user_deleteavatar /avatar/delete Path does not match
695 app_user_email /email Path does not match
696 app_user_password /password Path does not match
697 app_user_information /information Path does not match
698 app_user_settings /settings Path does not match
699 app_user_information2 /information2 Path does not match
700 app_user_drivinglicense /driving-license Path does not match
701 app_user_drivinglicenseimage /driving-license/{type} Path does not match
702 app_user_drivinglicensepreview /driving-license/preview Path does not match
703 app_user_drivinglicenseadd /driving-license/add Path does not match
704 app_user_drivinglicenseremove /driving-license/remove Path does not match
705 app_user_notifications /notifications Path does not match
706 app_user_notificationssubscription /notifications/subscription Path does not match
707 app_usergroups_list /user_groups Path does not match
708 app_usergroups_view /user_groups/{id} Path does not match
709 app_usergroups_create /user_groups/new Path does not match
710 app_usergroups_edit /user_groups/{id}/edit Path does not match
711 app_usergroups_duplicate /user_groups/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
712 app_usergroups_delete /user_groups/{id}/delete Path does not match
713 app_usergroups_undelete /user_groups/{id}/undelete Path does not match
714 app_usergroups_export /user_groups/export/{type} Path does not match
715 app_usergroups_modalselect /user_groups/modal Path does not match
716 app_users_list /users Path does not match
717 app_users_view /users/{id} Path does not match
718 app_users_create /users/new Path does not match
719 app_users_edit /users/{id}/edit Path does not match
720 app_users_duplicate /users/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
721 app_users_delete /users/{id}/delete Path does not match
722 app_users_undelete /users/{id}/undelete Path does not match
723 app_users_export /users/export/{type} Path does not match
724 app_users_modalselect /users/modal Path does not match
725 app_users_modalform /users/modal/new Path does not match
726 app_users_modalcreateaddress /users/{id}/addresses/modal/new Path does not match
727 app_users_modaleditaddress /users/addresses/modal/{id} Path does not match
728 app_users_manage /users/{id}/manage Path does not match
729 app_users_password /users/{id}/password Path does not match
730 app_users_resetpassword /users/{id}/reset_password Path does not match
731 app_users_duplicates /users/duplicates Path does not match
732 app_users_merge /users/{id}/merge/{idOthers} Path does not match
733 app_users_toggle /users/{id}/toggle/{property} Path does not match
734 app_users_search /users/search Path does not match
735 app_users_drivinglicense /users/driving-license/{id} Path does not match
736 app_users_drivinglicenseimage /users/driving-license/{id}/{type} Path does not match
737 app_users_drivinglicensepreview /users/driving-license/{id}/preview Path does not match
738 app_users_createdrivinglicense /users/driving-license/{id}/create Path does not match
739 app_users_cropdrivinglicense /users/driving-license/{id}/crop Path does not match
740 app_users_deletedrivinglicense /users/driving-license/{id}/delete Path does not match
741 app_users_attachmotorcycles /users/{id}/assign Path does not match
742 app_vouchers_list /vouchers Path does not match
743 app_vouchers_view /vouchers/{id} Path does not match
744 app_vouchers_create /vouchers/new Path does not match
745 app_vouchers_creategift /vouchers/new/gift Path does not match
746 app_vouchers_edit /vouchers/{id}/edit Path does not match
747 app_vouchers_duplicate /vouchers/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
748 app_vouchers_delete /vouchers/{id}/delete Path does not match
749 app_vouchers_undelete /vouchers/{id}/undelete Path does not match
750 app_vouchers_modalselect /vouchers/modal Path does not match
751 app_vouchers_pdf /vouchers/{id}/pdf Path does not match
752 app_vouchers_print /vouchers/{id}/print/{printer} Path does not match
753 app_vouchers_email /vouchers/{id}/email Path does not match
754 app_vouchers_export /vouchers/{id}/export Path does not match
755 app_webcalendar_list /webcal/61ae726dc7d6d91246e061601fe1ab3c1099c373 Path does not match
756 index / Path does not match
757 app_webhooks_brevo /brevo/9c3fk7y99r8l1ktlvm15xxjqdsqg1 Path does not match
758 app_webhooks_prestashopcustomercreated /prestashop/customer/created/c2717b68de17f9b3836b8a49af2b2 Path does not match
759 app_webhooks_prestashopproductcreated /prestashop/product/created/762a655e0e4b4bd8d7b7765f88781 Path does not match
760 app_webhooks_prestashopproductupdated /prestashop/product/updated/762a655e0e4b4bd8d7b7765f88781 Path does not match
761 app_webhooks_prestashopproductattributeupdated /prestashop/product_attribute/updated/6db40d9e44c81e651fcc9de1e7cb8 Path does not match
762 app_webhooks_prestashopproductattributedeleted /prestashop/product_attribute/deleted/3b9456e8b7caf69a5dc96ccff958e Path does not match
763 app_webhooks_prestashopproductdeleted /prestashop/product/deleted/764d74a3ce35d4f546be7581d191a Path does not match
764 app_webhooks_prestashopordercreated /prestashop/order/created/73eed3aee61283f3e97bdb84e8e2b Path does not match
765 app_webhooks_prestashoporderstatusupdated /prestashop/order/status_updated/1a27b4def767b9d1f6c47c3c1bb52 Path does not match
766 app_webhooks_prestashopquantityupdated /prestashop/quantity/updated/73f7ab19d80465b16455dfdf8cbc8 Path does not match
767 app_webhooks_sumuppayment /sumup/payment/mzeQ43qoOgPmlT4kWCTqHM6h5axldu8n Path does not match
768 app_webhooks_telegram /telegram/subznzqy14ykewlbhzi6bmrueyul7xz8 Path does not match
769 app_webhooks_cidlookup /cidlookup/mlljv5wnvcsxgs30yi3urffa27aghaqu Path does not match
770 app_webmail_index /webmail/{mailboxName} Path does not match
771 app_webmail_view /webmail/{mailboxName}/{number} Path does not match
772 app_webmail_delete /webmail/{mailboxName}/{number}/delete Path does not match
773 app_webmail_compose /webmail/compose Path does not match
774 app_widgets_statsusers /widgets/stats_users Path does not match
775 app_widgets_statsmotorcycles /widgets/stats_motorcycles Path does not match
776 app_widgets_statssales /widgets/stats_sales Path does not match
777 app_widgets_statsshop /widgets/stats_shop Path does not match
778 app_widgets_latestmotorcycles /widgets/latest_motorcycles Path does not match
779 app_widgets_latestmotorcyclesoptions /widgets/latest_motorcycles/options Path does not match
780 app_widgets_latestservicerecords /widgets/latest_servicerecords Path does not match
781 app_widgets_latestservicerecordsoptions /widgets/latest_servicerecords/options Path does not match
782 app_widgets_latestinvoices /widgets/latest_invoices Path does not match
783 app_widgets_latestinvoicesoptions /widgets/latest_invoices/options Path does not match
784 app_widgets_latestquotes /widgets/latest_quotes Path does not match
785 app_widgets_latestquotesoptions /widgets/latest_quotes/options Path does not match
786 app_widgets_latestorders /widgets/latest_orders Path does not match
787 app_widgets_latestordersoptions /widgets/latest_orders/options Path does not match
788 app_workshoptools_list /workshop_tools Path does not match
789 app_workshoptools_view /workshop_tools/{id} Path does not match
790 app_workshoptools_create /workshop_tools/new Path does not match
791 app_workshoptools_edit /workshop_tools/{id}/edit Path does not match
792 app_workshoptools_duplicate /workshop_tools/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
793 app_workshoptools_delete /workshop_tools/{id}/delete Path does not match
794 app_workshoptools_undelete /workshop_tools/{id}/undelete Path does not match
795 app_workshoptools_modalselect /workshop_tools/modal Path does not match
796 app_workshoptools_modalform /workshop_tools/modal/new Path does not match
797 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
798 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
799 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
800 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
801 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
802 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
803 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
804 _profiler_font /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 Path does not match
805 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
806 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
807 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
808 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
809 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
810 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
811 app_logout /logout Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.